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Vintage Fiends

Photos courtesy of Bob King - Fiends 1954-55
40 Aircraft flyby for Wing Commander Change of Command

Scarf.jpg (74256 bytes)
Unit Scarf
Acft 406 - mine.jpg (89236 bytes)
Bob's aircraft 406
36FBS F86F's.jpg (74231 bytes) T.O. Power.jpg (57275 bytes)
Ready for TO.jpg (130900 bytes) Wg Cdr 1955.jpg (64084 bytes)
Col Momyer
40  F86F's.jpg (57511 bytes)
"Tuck it in 37"
Flyby Japan 1955.jpg (25412 bytes)
Flyby 36th FBS.jpg (58468 bytes)
F86's plus T-33 chase
King & Brown.jpg (40178 bytes) 1st Lt King.jpg (41779 bytes) Suwon AB Korea 1954.jpg (47656 bytes)
2nd Lt Bob King photo - hometown news release
Mildren (1).jpg (63964 bytes)
Walten E. �Gene� Mildren 51-53
Mildren (3).jpg (70598 bytes)
Walten E. �Gene� Mildren 51-53
Mildren (2).jpg (52358 bytes)

Korea action


Flying Fiend sign from WWII era sent in by webmaster of the Juvats 80th TFS - Jay "Jaybird" Reidel

36th Fighter Sqd sign.JPG (64007 bytes)


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